How not to live your life
Are you Mad?


9 9 Benefits of Gram Flour

I don't want to grab a coffee with you and network, or date, thanks.

I also didn't ask for your input.

But if you want to pay for Ko-Fi, or support on Patreon, it allows me to make some of the classes and resources available to others.

I offer consults if you're having a safety/privacy issue.

If you're looking for a humiliation session, that's not this account.

We finished a large 2.8m long only to find the client couldn't get it up the stairs.

We've still got it in our shop.

There's a lesson there I think. Make sure before you order a frame, you can get it into your home.

I'm a very passionate person. I don't do many things lightly. The first girl I had sex with, I fell in love with, and soon married.

Well, I had my private room in the middle of the college campus.
She visited for Thanksgiving, from out of state. We locked ourselves in with a huge, square, deep dish,tomato pizza. We made love for 3 days and nights straight, stopping only to eat pizza, use the bathroom, and fall asleep in each other's arms. It dawns on me now how we must have set the whole campus afire with our passionate coitus. My poor sweetheart! I deflowered her so hard, she was a little embarrassed to be seen in public for a while.

We were both lonely, chubby, bright youngsters and so this was a total feast of love and naked meaty, sex with a horny, sensual partner just as dirty minded, just as romantic, as oneself. We gorged on each other!

On the 4th day, she put on her make up, jewellery, and her best black dress. I put on my dark pinstriped suit, and cologne. We went to a showing of "Miss Saigon" on Broadway. The show was moving, and featured a live helicopter on stage, which was pretty innovative back then.

After the show, we ate Pad Thai noodles at a Thai restaurant.
Then we strolled in the light drizzle of a brightly lit Manhattan night. I knelt in the rain, in the middle of a wet street and proposed to her. She accepted.

We had the hottest sex life for a long time. Marital bliss despite material poverty. Man, wife, and dog. Happy!

Sadly, it fell apart, despite all the love and all the best intentions.

Now, I go very far with my passion. Also, I'm super horny and oversexed.

Though I've tried casual sex, it doesn't seem to satisfy me.

So here I am, in a long dry spell.
Need to get laid, because my energy balance is totally off and I'm toxic. I need to find balance and sexual healing so I can function at a higher level and be more in tune, spiritually.

But a casual one night stand will not do for me. I would wanna shack up with some beautiful woman, and bone her day and night for a week. And afterwards, I'll probably fall madly in love with her and want to propose marriage.

And that's just what I don't want to confuse Miss Right Now with Miss Right. Crazy, right

I am stuck, and would love some sound advice.

Ricki You're a wise woman.
Any help

A year from now, you will wish you had started today.

Save yourself the regrets, and start now.

"Freezing does not make you bad or wrong. Bad and wrong is what John did.

But the freeze is something you can work on, out of respect for for yourself and your own boundaries. When someone lays inappropriate claim to your body, you want a hard no at the ready. No qualms, no hesitation. It may take some time and deprogramming... but knowing its a right and fair response to unwelcome touching is where that kind of confidence starts."

Don't let the memes fool you, there are a lot of Things Goku, of Dragonball Z, does right about parenting. Heres a lsit, with more details behind the link:

- The importance of work and play
- Know when to let go
- Believe in your kids (Even when they dont)
- Pick your kids up when they fall

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Being physically fit will not magically make all your problems go away... but it sure can prevent a lot of bad things (injury, illness, being overweight, loneliness, death).
A pull up bar and the discipline to use it may be one of the best investments you can make.
Proverbs 23:23
#investment #advice #fitness #discipline

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Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

Resigning from your job can be a big step.

Its important you look into the different options available to you.

We can help you understand what steps you need to take


What to do if you have ear pain

Kind folk of the . I need on disappearing posts

with all the babbling ive doing these days, im realising two things

1. sometimes i want to be a bit more vulnerable and open
2. i realise it could come back to bite me in the ass (or worse)

So please help me, if you could speak to

1. Why do you make posts disappear How do you feel about it after
2. How did you decide on your timeframe of choice

Would be grateful for anything you people can give me to chew on.

Please Boost!

Dear community, I need your !

As you know, Im trying to build a sustainable business. But things dont work as fast as I expected.

Therefore, Im in need of an income. Im looking to get into , or . I have vast experience (check out my website).

Id appreciate any help such as: recommendations, introductions, reposts, tips, etc.

Thank you very much!

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

"You can't trust experts, which is why I mostly follow morons."

Does anyone have insight into how to set up a "feeder organization" - a business where all profits are donated to charity in the US Or can recommend a good person who might know


Here's my next bit of commentary on Epictetus' Enchiridion, this one about a chapter "near and dear to my heart, because it reminds me of when I first started studying philosophy, and did not follow Epictetus advice"

Listen up, adventurers. That Swarm of Bats ain't nothing to bat an eye at, but Boxly's in high spirits. We don't need the rest or the town visit. The fight could be a challenge, but remember: if we both miss, no spell slot's gone. Avoiding could work but ain't no fun or glory in that, right I say we Fight! Let's teach those winged nuisances the true power of a Warlock. Stay sharp, and may your rolls be ever in your favor.

Looking for : I have old china/dishes handed down to me, and Im uncertain what to do with it.

For example, delicates dishes from Bavaria in 1812 when it was an independent nation.

What should one do with family heirlooms

Hold on to them until you pass them along again Use them knowing theyll wear and break

Yo meatbags,

Been running a pixel 7a for about two weeks not, (quick review, it's fine but the lack of a headphone jack will forever be a huge disappointment).

But I've been running it nakie with no case. Tried getting a fancy wood carved one on Amazon and was immediately duped by the seller sending me the wrong product.

So I ask you my sentential fleshoids, where is a good place for buying neat cellphone cases

Katzenworld: Helping Pets Adjust to the Back-to-School Routine: Tips for Preventing Separation Anxiety &Tips

I like Captain Awkward and this is a good one

Excited to take on a new part-time role at the International Council for the Exploration of the . As chair of the new Steering Group I will be working with scientists from different disciplines within the community on integrated and for sustainable seas.

BIG thanks to all chairs of the ICES Strategic Initiative on the Human Dimension for putting on the map!

the ICES announcement

A good . (btw, I loved the yellow Lego box behind him)

Best Advice For Starting Out As A Webcam Model From An Experienced Professional Cam Girl

Bah! Javelins and Pikes won't add much with those stats. No point swapping armor either it's the same AC. Save your gold, Frankie. Best option is to head Back to Town. That's the smart play.

Katzenworld: 5 Crucial Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe in a Heatwave &Tips

The new school term is starting!

You might be able to get help with school costs if youre on a low income.

This could include the costs of sending your child to school like school meals, transport and uniforms.

Have a look at Citizens Advices website to learn more


When to see a couples counsellor, if your relationship needs guidance feel free to reach out the experts with more than 450+ happy couples Visit us on #lgbtq

Katzenworld: Tips for Keeping Your Cat Hydrated: Water Bowls, Fountains, and More &Tips

Ok, I need some help: its a delicate subject so Ill try to be as tactful as I can.

If you were in charge of a predominantly young (teens - early 20s) workforce with a few older (30s - 50s) people and you had several of the young staff complain that they didnt like working with one of the older staff because of a personal hygiene issue, yet you knew that the older staff member had seen medical professionals about it, was trying their best, and some days were better than others (and they say they are not aware of it mostly) how would you handle the situation

Further context surrounding older staff member:
- otherwise well liked and good at their job
- has been with the company for a long time
- has asked for support from previous managers
- thought they were on top of the issue until it was brought up in a performance review

For personal context, I am none of the people involved, I am trying to help a former colleague of mine.

Its better to pursue one bad idea to its logical conclusion than it is to start and not finish ten good ones, Michael said.

Tobias Osborne's blog post about an he received from Michael Nielsen:

Having had read it helped me once a lot too. Today it crossed my mind again and it's a great rule of thumb, I think.

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

Katzenworld: Top Cooling Recipes for Pets: From Pet-Safe Smoothies to Pupsicles &Tips

Been on the 'verse for more than a year now. Landed on a random instance moved to a more meaningful local instance. Looked up people I was following "over there" and found lots of new people to follow here. FWIW, here is my . Create Lists. Curate them, cultivte them. Add/Drop people from them. If you like woodworking, find people who post about it and put them in a list. If you follow the news, find journalists and news outlets and add them to lists.

Some advice for readers

Using video for Promotion 78