How not to live your life
Are you Mad?

Can someone whos not a friend call me I gotta talk some shit out like rn imma really go insane and I want a different type of advice I know I might not get from a friend

T_BALLA24 Can someone who’s not a “friend” call me I gotta talk some shit out like rn imma really go insane and I want a different type of advice I know I might not get from a “friend” Snapchat: T_BALLAk IG: T_BALLA24. #AthletesInTrainingT24 |ZΦΒ 💙|
LondonJpk London @DrEricDing @arrowintheblue @arrowintheblue, a lot of us have been begging our leaders to #StopFlightsFromChina since this whole thing kicked off and kept getting told "you alarmist racist! this is just like a bad cold!" And WHO's advice is to wash our hands and use a tissue!? Are you all insane!? Smash racism and stop #nCov. One never justifies the other, and the risk of one shouldn't stop a prevention of another. *Never engage in racial profiling.*
TOOKL Paris, France & Florida, USA @FloofSpikey @kenkircher1 my advice is to treat them like they are talking to you out of the window of an insane asylum, with patience & tolerance Tweeting about culture, the art world, art crime, international politics, & issues of cultural patrimony.
wla65 @PeteButtigieg i am not sure what you actually believe. My advice is do not follow the far left down the tube. D’s need to return to the Bill Clinton D’s to have any hope. Obama was too far left! Now we have jumped off a cliff for more insane than even obama. Do you not ask the
FreshMecha @Hephaestusforg2 @TheRadicalCent9 @N1oh1 @itaintwhiteboy It's insane. My favourite example of meddling making things worse is road markings. Two examples. One was a city planner who took the advice if a libertarians to increase throughflow - switched off all the traffic lights! Traffic increased and the side effect was less accidents. Uncle Phil is a right wing hero.
BdsMega Spiritual Sodom and Egypt @emerysmith33 Mr. Emery Spaceman! It’s me! Your most favourite and insane fan! Hahaha. I wish I could stop by. I’d ask you hundreds of questions on the best ways to gut reticulans like space fish. Any advice for me and my brudahs like @EIprogram? 😆👍🦜 Let's get that BDS going to 100% to we can strip those "chosen ones" off that stolen land! Also, Zeta Reticulans are trying to rape the hell out of people!
AnEnigmaDave An enchanted Eucalyptus forest @Rockn80LA @maorinlemon789 The mom is solely responsible for not assessing the veracity of their advice. If I were the DA, she would be charged with reckless endangerment of a child. It's a dangerous, slippery slope once we suggest limiting online speech. Even the insane have 1st amendment rights. Just a feral Koala typing on a cell phone found among the Eucalyptus.
MyBigRedTruck Orange, CA 92867 @LSTrip44 Been there after being advised not to go there. The advice was sound, my choice was insane. I have recovered. 😒 What was I thinking? 77 years of changing my mind Elevated to Human Scum #ExtortionistTrump #GovernmentOfPutin #ImpeachBarr
_Maleia_ Brooklyn, NY Where is the best place to be if I wanna do all the art- metalsmithing, ceramics, painting, writing... and not have an insane cost of living? #advice #wheretolive #bestcity #art #wheretogo #moving Mouthy brat with a lot of opinions and a dog that will make you forgive me immediately. she/they
lmcgrew Chicago @BigDub1 Yep. My ex drove me insane with this. When he vented about work, I listened. When I vented about work, he always tried to give me advice or tell me not to get so hyped about work & it drove me nuts. tiny human brain here to learn from other tiny human brains 😜 I 💙 people who challenge my thoughts #Bernie2020 #Yang2020 #Tulsi2020
TonyaMoores4 St. John’s, Newfoundland 🇨🇦 @TakedownMRAs @ShadayaKnight I just went to his account, my GOD the insane advice he is spreading to men. My eyes nearly fell out of my head:( Its ostrocious!! Mother of 3, from St. John’s Newfoundland, who is also a caffeine dependent life form 🖖🏻 👽
MatthewDoops Subscribe Relationships are driving everyone insane and getting people killed... my advice stay single!!! and stay alive!! 🤔 Party/Club/Radio/Mixtape Dj #Bookings 876-872-6340 #Email:
OscarsWild1 The Outer Rim @Andrewemcameron @craigthomler @ZombiePiano @AanthanurDC @Spurgledurgle @RustyAway @SpurglyD @Jamz129 @IngersolRobert @glinch72 @sueytonius @FChecker76 @doom37455413 @AgtRigor @_42________ @JamesRider3 @FeynmanFreaky @Ozwino @ElectroPig @equi_noctis @Zerilos @Article3S @Bitakarma @DisorderDipolar @BlknWhtKat @janineyve @follz1 @ILuvCO2 @ItsTheAtmospher @dhaessel0 @HuntinHippy @KarlRobinson02 @desenviron @fantasmavoid @Jaisans @BingoThaGringo @KCTaz @insane_voice @CharlesDarwinTX @TAGOS22 @david_hanselman @AltUS_ARC @Rikvvz @MikeH_MapleGrov @GeraldKutney @IsraelAnderson @MartinJBern @drkerrynphelps @murpharoo @zalisteggall And you think your a psychiatrist that can make statement online on the subject and claims that are against Twitter rules? Fascinating. Nope. Did they not tell you I knew two psychiatrists that I gave advice to? Diddums #Herpetologist #Ichthyologist #Batrachologist #Orchidaceae Anti-PC #BrexitBetrayal #Photography #Brexit #MBGA #MAGA #Astrophysics #1400Campaign
platyakul @NYinLA2121 Do you always take advice from insane racists I stream pubg and hearthstone: he/him; never owned, never punished
iliketeslas @thirdrowtesla My philosophy as well. Some bulls think it's insane to sell $tsla though. Which is really really really irresponsible advice

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