How not to live your life
Are you Mad?

Anyone have any recommendations for a program or game that teaches typing My eight year old probably ought to be picking up that skill sooner than later, but I'm thinking the Apple II Typing Tutor from my elementary school computer lab is probably no longer the right choice...

Her . She called a for .

The delightful went .

Check out the latest article from Walter Rhein:

How Titles Must Occupy the Fertile Space Between Content and Code

How best to view today's solar eclipse: wait until tomorrow when all the best pictures will be published.

I'm always rejected at airport e-gates so the Office suggested changing my name


Everyone wants to give advice, but very few want to apply it.

I had a slight cold the last few days. Stuffy nose, cough, fatigue. It seemed like it had just about run its course when it existed to mount a nasty last stand in my sinuses.

It feels like Im being stabbed just below the eyes on my cheek, and its painful enough that Im probably not going to sleep tonight. NyQuil hasnt touched it.

If anyone has ideas (at this point, Im considering sticking a tube up there and hooking the other end to my 12HP shop vac), I could really use ideas. Stabbing my face with a syringe needle to relieve/equalize the pressure is not out of the question.

Nice on :

What I Think About When I Edit 2019, Eva Parish ().

Via HN:

Your Dream Life With Kristina Karlsson

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Of possible interest for some of our friends.

>How to create rituals that work for Pagans with ADHD via

He recommended a glass of aguardiente (moonshine. Does not seem to matter which kind of moonshine).

>Worlds oldest man recommended one drink a day

"I don't give advice. I can't tell anybody what to do. Instead I say this is what we know about this problem at this time. And here are the consequences of these actions." Dr. Joyce Brothers

Call Me Didi

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"These common mistakes"
Tags: cartoon, man, drink, bar, advice

What are people using for task/habit tracking nowadays I was using Habitica for a long time, but it's grating on me now. Lightweight and Open Source if possible. Thanks for your recs!

Anxious Tradeswoman

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5 More Tips for Staying Motivated - It can be hard to find motivation to write, so here's a few more tips to help get you working.

Exit the conversation when one of the parties begins "splitting the split hair." They likely just want to have the last word and your logic is unlikely to sway them.

: Try not to be one of those parties.

My would be to find projects that you actually use yourself, work with them, and figure out what enhancements or bug fixes you personally would like that would help you use it more productively or enjoyably. Then work with the project to make your contributions.

Trying to contribute things you don't have a stake in, IMHO, are unlikely to help you much.

e.g. I really liked grin/grin3 but it was missing features - so I implemented them and contributed them.

While I'm very excited to be considering multiple offers, I'm struggling to choose between them, especially with so little time. Any from those in about how they made this decision would be greatly appreciated.

Leading Your Best Life With Leigh Farnell

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The You Project

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As a reminder. Just because someone is autistic or neurodiverse doesn't mean they get to be a dick to you or abuse you. Don't get me wrong, we should do everything in our power to help neurodiverse people and stand up for them but remember your boundaries and don't let people push them.

A quotation from Billings, Josh:

What the world wants iz good examples, not so mutch advice advice may be wrong, but examples prove themselves.

What the world wants is good examples, not so much advice advice may be wrong, but examples prove themselves.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

Song of the Day April 4 2024

In remembrance of the birth of Marguerite Annie Johnson bka Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou - Be A Rainbow In Someone Elses Cloud (From Oprah's Master Class Series)

Song of the Day April 4 2024

In remembrance of the birth of Marguerite Annie Johnson bka Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou - Be A Rainbow In Someone Elses Cloud (From Oprah's Master Class Series)

Oh gods, I have learnt, laughed, and been befuddled by the advice within.

Fuck your ego, fuck your pride, fuck your brand, fuck your history, fuck your self-image. Every day is a new day and no one is keeping score. You will die one day and everything will be forgotten. There's nothing to do but grab the chances you have to see what you can see.
#motivation #motivational #inspiration #inspirational #advice #lifetip #lifetips

Important for , from my : "Be curious, be flexible, be professional, and be kind." She follows it herself & she shares it in a profile in the "Editors for Life" series on BoldFace, the blog of Editors Toronto: .

Seize The Yay

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"My Wants To Punish Our -Going After Finding Out His Secret," And Other Drama Stories

A quotation from Lessing, Gotthold:

ORSINA: Better counsel comes overnight.
Besserer Rat kommt ber Nacht.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

: Never let your children bring home a .

Dr Devon is a cracker for spot-on insightful autie advice. If youre planning to go for a new job, read on:

The Difference Between Story, Plot and Narrative

Just saw a YouTube short about someone who called themself the F slur to get back at Transphobic people. Here's my take on this sort of behaviour. It's not good, not a means to be cancelled because the intent is most likely good. But this literally can be a trigger word. If I ever get called the F slur, I'd reclaim it as my own, but not repeat it. Because the intent of the words is to hurt you. When they (The bigots) see it can't hurt you, they are defeated.

Creation and size of advice subreddits

Breakup To Blessing

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Insane Advice