How not to live your life
Are you Mad?

can you advise anything good against diarrhea
I already consumed the activated charcoal dose, but I think I need to do something else to accelerate my recovery
also, is that true that strong tea helps against diarrhea

Consultants: If you can't sell it, you can't build it. But even if you provide great advice, you need to be able to handle failure.

So for indeterminate tomato seedlings, if they get any blossoms before you put them in the ground, I know you're supposed to pinch them off because you want them to focus on root growth in the beginning and they'll produce fruit continuously anyway.

But should I also do that for the determinate tomatoes since they're supposed to mature and produce their fruit all at once

MLB DFS Advice, Picks and Strategy 5/2 Swing for the Fences

The Gave Early in Their

Tips for Formatting a Manuscript: Part 3

for those with slower devices, if you want to speed up your performance on Mastodon, in your mastodon preferences you can set gif images to not auto play.

Basically they will act like still images until you interact with them intentionally to play them, if you even do, If you don't your devices performance and speed can be improved. Also, you might notice a dramatic improvement in battery life when gifs do not autoplay all the time.

My first advice piece is up! Appreciate a read and any questions or comments
Thank you

End Up Here

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

Can I have some eco-friendly shopping advice please, Fedi hive mind.

For years when I'm in the shower I've used a nylon body scrub thing like in the first picture. But I suspect that they end up contributing billions of microplastic particles down the drain.

I recently tried swapping for a hemp wash glove like in the second picture. So that's biodegradable, but it's roughly akin to rubbing sandpaper on your skin. And the shower gel doesn't lather, either.

I thought about getting a natural sponge, but I'm sure I remember reading that so many of those are plucked from coral reefs that it's causing a biodiversity crisis.

What do other people use All I want to do is stay clean!


Though I've been consulting for decades, I still sometimes fall victim to the Consultant's Curse

Trying to decide what this is missing

A banner with a saying Quote
Words in the four corners
Some kind of background Stripes

Any thoughts fedi friends

's to her about is a must hear for everyone

I have a big, potentially life altering decision to make and i'm spiralling because my ND brain cannot land on a decision

Please only answer if you have an understanding of UK social housing and private renting, thank you

Bit of background - I am a middle aged single mother, my daughter is about to turn 14. I work full time but while my salary is enough for us to get by and have the occasional treat/luxury, its certainly not enough to be granted a mortgage. We have been in the same council flat for 12 years, in an area of anti-social behaviour and crime that locals dub 'the wild west'. My neighbours are noisy and aggressive. Frankly I hate it here and would do anything to move.

Luckily, my ex (daughters father) is selling his house and is giving me 8k from the equity to help with that. Again, I cannot get a mortgage so using it as a deposit is off the table.

Here are my options

1. Use the money to move into a private rental. I can afford the monthly rent on a decent place (ironic considering im considered too low an earner for a mortgage - but I can pay someone elses ). This does mean giving up the lifetime security I have in social housing, as I will never own property. But it gets us out of here.

2. Use the money to redecorate and recarpet the flat, making it more appealing to the mutual exchange market, and try to get a swap. Like I said, this area is notorius, so when i was trying for a swap a few years ago I got message after message of 'sorry, dont want that area' so the chance of actually getting a swap is very slim and I could end up rotting and dying here. (Bit extreme but that's how it feels).

I am swinging widly between the 2 options and its making me crazy. So I will leave the decision up to the fates, aka mastadon vote!!!

What is a good non-evil website for pay-what-you-want selling a pdf I like itch, and it does 90% of what I want, but if you dont have an itch account already (i.e. are Normal) it makes you go through four different inscrutable screens before you actually get to the goods.

Even dead ex-wives cause trouble


Season 9 Episode 16 "Baywatch Down Under: part 1"

Patreon-only: Not having something to say never stopped me from talking. GET THESE BY EMAIL:

Was It Legal For My To Set Up An All-Staff Meeting With A To Address Negative Energy In The , And Other Column Questions

Oh, and if you're ever there, a pro tip: you need to follow the path along the terrace to the very end right where it buts up against the house's wall to see the same angle George Lucas used where the tree's canopy looks like it's caressing the mountains...

Tips for Formatting a Manuscript: Part 2

few things more useless
than unasked for advice cause
won't listen won't follow

Daily Prompt's Question of the Day asked me to list the people I admire and look to for advice. Here's my response!

Ok friends, I need some !

I cant decide if I like the bowl color on this The other color I was considering was a dark green, but open to thoughts!

I also want to add a wabi sabi crack too, so there will be a smallamount of gold.

Thanks for your thoughts!

How should I (responsibly) fake data with

Students have a couple of surveys, but low N. Not actual research "class demonstration" projects. I'd like them to have a better experience with analysis.

Force single-imputation with /mice/ for 80% missing data

Something with FIML

Bootstrapping/etc. on multiple numerical, ordinal, & nominal variables


I need to fake some . It's for a good cause, I swear! My students (intro & have "class demonstration" surveys posted but few participants. I'd like them to have a better analysis experience.

My preferred platform is

can do a forced single-imputation with, say, 80%

Should I just (or something similar) If so, any suggestions for which package/procedure

A couple dozen variables, NOIR.

Tips for Formatting a Manuscript

Howard Sterns debate advice to Biden

Join us for invaluable insights on our latest episode featuring Mr. Omair, as he shares expert parental advice to help navigate the challenges of raising and educating children in todays world. Dont miss his practical tips and compassionate guidanceperfect for every parent striving to support their childs growth and learning. Tune in now!

Always keep a pipe as long as your leg and with an inner circumference big enough to fit around your lug wrench inside your trunk.

I just had to change my elderly parents' tire this evening, and, well, this advice was one of those things I learned in my 20s that served me well tonight.

Now of course it all makes sense to me, it came out of my head! If anyone has any or for a trying to get better at creating , let me know!
I'll be cutting the new design later this week, and if it works as expected I'll get the DXF uploaded for anyone who wants to try for themselves!

I definitely need to figure out more dialogue like this for when my players end up in the Feywild in a few months time.

Mums With Hustle Podcast

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

After 15 years of working in an office environment I think Ive come away with one solid piece of advice about trying to be funny at work: dont.

Enjoy being yourself and have positive things in your life. Don't bother with things that you have no way of changing.

A weakness of mine as a Software Engineer is that I have trouble treating the layers of abstraction below where I'm working as a black box for the purpose of *actually getting work done.* This is especially unhelpful in cases where the underlying logic is so spaghettified that I could spend weeks or months trying to figure out the author's intent. Anyone have tips for putting the blinders on and just being a code monkey

Writing Tips 8 - More tips to help keep you writing

Yo, fatties! As a lifetime fatty, let me tell you how to stop being a fatty without the use of Wegovy or Bonjovi or whatever the fuck other names those weight loss medications use. Eat about 1,800 calories a day, walk a mile or two a day, and do a little bit of body weight exercises like push ups or sit-ups each day. You'll lose weight, you'll feel great, and your spouse will love your boner too.

Conselhos ponderados para jovens programadores...

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