How not to live your life
Are you Mad?

I don't have any in my city. Social events are usually advertised on but my life has improved since I quit that addictive shit hole. My screen time has gone down a lot which I love. Idk what to do, should I come back I really need to make local friends.

Does Uncle Iroh ACTUALLY Give Good Advice Therapist vs. Uncle Iroh - YouTube

Are you or your organization Fediverse-curious

While the decentralized future of social networking promises incredible opportunities for visionary adopters, understanding the various projects, platforms, protocols and opportunities and potential pitfalls can be difficult.

We'd like to help. Give us a call

Check out the latest article from Walter Rhein:

How Writing Quick Money Articles Traps You in a Cycle You Cant Escape

Human Design For Educators

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Life Lessons Lessons #8: Choose wisely who you ask for advice. Not everyone is an expert on every topic. Next Lesson Mar 25 2024

The only thing to do with is to pass it on.

It is never of any use to oneself.

some thoughts for this


Yall, need some . Need to kick my habit which Ive acquired due to long hours and little sleep at college. Really enjoy the stuff and the occasional productivity boosts it gives me, but frankly cant handle the intense anxiety/panic/jitters from the . Any recommendations greatly appreciated.

so, erm, i've been feeding birds in my garden for nearly three years & have never seen a rat until this week. i have nothing against rats & i want them to live healthy & happy lives (preferably away from houses), but i know that there's a problem if they're turning up during the day, boldly eating seeds. i'm worried about encouraging them to proliferate. looking for non-lethal advice & experience. thanks!

Insane Advice

I awoke this morning and turned on my TV, which was on ESPN. A feature on Coach Lawson and this speech was already playing, and I watched the rest of it. I then watched the full video on YouTube, and I encourage everyone to do the same. It may not be possible to have such an important philosophy expressed in a more succinct way. Thank you to Coach Lawson and to the person who thought to record and later to share her speech with everyone. I'm always going to root for you.

Check out the latest article from Steven Toews, JD, MBA:

Trying To Get Into Writing Ignore This Kind Of Advice.

Retirement Do's and Don'ts

I wrote this a while ago, but I wish I'd written it when I was 25, might make now a little easier. Yes that is me with a very good boy. Shylo is no longer with us, but I think I still have that shirt...

Lots of good here less on and more on really:

40 Years Of Programming, Lars Wirzenius ().

Via HN:

On Lobsters:

My March writings over the years that have held up, mostly. Lots about bicycling, not all.

Humble Warrior Project

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Patreon-only: You can't handle the truth. GET THESE BY EMAIL:

I didn't make this up, but it's a favorite:


Starting a new series of core concept videos on Plutarch's great little treatise How To Tell A Flatterer From A Friend, here's the first one, discussing why we are vulnerable to flatterers

Here are my suggestions on how to handle three kinds of metaphorical holes: assholes, potholes, and black holes.

I'm looking for a company to make curtains for a bedroom in Auckland. I want it *black* at night.

Do you have any recommendations

TLC For Working Mums

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Anyone have advice for learning guitar Im curious what different methodologies exist for it that I could try. In the past I just tried memorizing some chords but that felt to me like putting the cart before the horse.

40 years of programming
by Lars Wirzenius

HR question:

I resigned from my job on Friday. I have a 3 month notice. Today I was called by HR to say they want me to leave next Friday and in the meantime I'm not allowed to come to the office or speak to anyone.

I will be paid salary until my contractual notice period ends.

My manager is a senior director who also has HR team reporting into them. We haven't seen eye to eye, which is the reason I'm leaving.

I manage a team of 7 who now won't get a handover.

Harsh, no

What are some of your go-to books on history

If at first you don't succeed, don't sweat it, your parents are rich.

Wait. Your parents aren't rich

Oh, man. This is embarrassing. Sorry, all of these success aphorisms are meant for people with privilege and resources.

You're on your own. Good luck.

Are there any good solutions for /#video out there I wouldnt mind paying yearly for something. Just easier for when I have videos and photos than loading them onto the Mastodon instance I use.

Suggestions and boosts appreciated!

"can I threaten to get a better "

Blast from the past - when is unwelcome

Explore win-win alternatives for & : , , aid & policy reforms for lasting solutions.

Inspire In Five

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A Message that will Change Your Life

What would you say to 4 million people

People of all ages & races from around the world answer this question in this video by Jonna Jinton.

"Together we have the power to create a more loving, peaceful world through compassion and understanding. And watching this video at least make me feel like a wave of hope and light."

Led by circumstance to enter into "retirement" early this year, it's become ever more obvious to me how warped our lifestyles have become. The frantic rush to get to work, the standard occupations, the so-called life phases, our ways of coping and governance. If I was young and on my own, I'd ditch it all and try a secular "back to nature" commune.

One bit of advice about friendship you see in ancient philosophy is it's important to test & pass judgement on friends as the friendship develops. Plutarch discusses it in On Having Many Friends, and here's a video about that

Don't drink sods too much

what do i need to be a solo act that actually plays outside

i have a guitar and a 100 watt amp that's pretty fucking loud. the amp has bluetooth and an aux port. i have a loop station pedal that i could learn to use.

i have a laptop and fl studio.

is it acceptable for me to just plug in and play over a drum track on the aux

what about vocals

If you pursue any intentional way of living, you're inevitably going to screw up along the way. Here's some reflections on how to productively use Epictetus' Stoic advice without messing up even more

People who tell you to follow your passion are already rich. Don't listen to them.

Follow your

The accoutrements that accompany being great at something (relevance, admiration, camaraderie, money) will make you passionate about whatever it is.

Never complain is a very common piece of self-improvement

I fully agree with it: complaining is always destructive.

It doesnt lead to action. Worse, it creates a trap to prevent action it also robs you of

How will I die

Insane Advice