How not to live your life
Are you Mad?

I'm gonna be an undergraduate - any It'll be my first time being a RA! I feel underprepared aaaaaaa

Check out the latest article from Walter Rhein:

Why You Must Not Get Coerced Into an Abusive Relationship With Writing


Help me settle something. My wife and I got into a heated debate about allowing my 15 year old son to watch on

I think its way too adult, she said she thinks its not that bad aside from a few scenes. Im trying to save the tiny amount of innocence I see he still has. Am I wrong

Reputational Concerns and Advice-Seeking at Work
"Results show a sizable and inefficient decline in advice-seeking when visible to a manager. Higher-order beliefs about competence cannot mediate this inefficiency. We find no evidence that managers interpret advice-seeking negatively, documenting a misconception that may hinder flows in "

My situation has just drastically changed. You do NOT need a account to read this post.

TLDR: My father is now at risk of losing his job, which means my parents are going to keep me in this house to take my money. My mother continues to try to scare me out of moving out. I have nowhere to go. I need guidance. Please help me.

Things will inevitably go wrong, people will do wrong, motivated in bad ways. Should you cry over it Or should you laugh about them Or is there a better response Here's a bit about Seneca's advice to us

I Can Talk Under Water Podcast

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What Were Reading: What advice would you give your younger self

Check it out!

Also, and just because this is a huge trap for some, if your wedding band is made of Tungsten, that metal doesnt work with metal detectors. So if your out in the cold and wet, just take it off or wear gloves to prevent your ring from flying off and making the worlds most adorable and heartbreaking piff sound.

The single best piece of for working in these sorts of cold and forbidding environments, shoveling a lot of , is that layers of clothing is super useful. Also, take it slowly. There isnt a time trial. Plus, this is super good cardiovascular exercise. Lots of walking, pushing, heaving, so youve got elements of a treadmill, kettlebells, and very mild weights. Also, remove all your valuable rings on your fingers. I have lost my partnership ring twice. Yep. Metal detector rentals!

Inspiration To Creation

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Alright Fedi, I know some of you are completely unhinged about so I need you to tell me everything you know about the 2013 500.

I found one that's in my price range and I think I could knock it out with ease, but I need to know if it's a decent car.

I'm not looking for anything with speed or space. I just need a little car that can get me from point A to point B.

Boosts are appreciated

I host several of my things with Gandi.

They apparently have some sort of billing outage which requires me to re-register my payment method, but their form to register new payment methods is broken.

Ive been somewhat dissatisfied with them for a while now, so:

Who do you use to your personal domains and email Ive heard good things about Porkbun.

I hosted my own email on a VM for a while but even with SPF (this was pre DKIM) my mail got silently dropped a lot

Important Dos and Donts When Writing Novellas -publishing -building

I spoke recently to a colleague about grant reviewing.

Advice for invited reviewers mentioned, among other, things, was:

Judge the merits of the proposal itself, and do not refer to information not detailed within the application. The proposal must be self-contained.

This is both good and bad advice.

Good in that proposals should be self-contained and appear sound, and I think non-subject-matter-experts can attest to that. That is, have the proposal's claims, methodology, and potential impact been substantiated with evidence and described.

Bad for external reviewers, who one can assume are subject-matter-experts, as we should be commenting on the merits of the ideas presented, referring to outside knowledge, and if the evidence presented is suitable. Not it's presentation.

One can present a research proposal well that is self-contained, but also miss out complete swathes of knowledge that make the research trickier to justify.

Related work matters!

I need some here. I recently got gifted Darklight: Memento Mori, an out of print from 2018 or thereabouts.
I have the base game and two expansions, opened but unplayed. The cards are still wrapped, the models unpainted, etc.

The models are cool, the game got pretty good reviews, it's absolutely massive, it weighs several kilos and takes up too much space. I kind of want to paint and maybe play it, but I'm thinking I might want to sell it too.

My friend is immigrating from Canada to the US. In the process, she has to spend at least 3-10 days in Montreal for her interviews, and shes freaking out about expenses (mostly hotels and food), culture shock, and not knowing what to expect.

Can any of my French Canadian friends in/near Montreal help me tell her some tips for saving money while there, and for getting around if she doesnt know any French

Some of the best advice comes from John Waters.

If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't fuck them. Collect books, even if you don't plan on reading them right away. Nothing is more important than an unread library. Life is nothing if you're not obsessed. - John Waters.

Something about this makes me happy, and I don't know why.

Some writing advice from me, but I assure you that this will solve about 85% of your "plotless story" problems!

6 Tips for Pushing Your Drone to Go the Distance (and Make It Back Again)

I get asked by a lot of people who want or intend to study philosophy whether it's best to do so in a chronological order. Here's a new Quick Takes video taking a close look at whether that's a good or even feasible idea

I want to stream games using my console, but there is entirely too much lag between my capture card audio and my controller. I've been trying to fix it for ages now, but its really hard to fix at the moment. anyone who is a content creator or streams on Twitch or Youtube, how did you minimize or fix it Is it an OBS problem, is it an ElGato problem I have the latest ElGato capture card.

"No pegues a los nios"
URSS, 1979.

snack advice: dont eat three mini candy canes and then immediately have a piece of bread with peanut butter and jam on it. I found this combination of flavours to be quite unappealing.

my flipped out when I said I have options, interviewing a candidate who was recently hired elsewhere, and more

If youre buying event tickets online, its important you find out who the official ticket sellers are.

This is to make sure the ticket youre buying is genuine and at the original price.

Heres what else you should know

When Your Writing Career Feels Like A Train Wreck: Five lessons for writers from survivors of shipwrecks, plane crashes, and other disasters far worse than mean-spirited reviews on Amazon or Goodreads:

The best I got about eating is ...

"Don't waste calories".

Why eat the entire bag of cheap cookies when one slice of chocolate cake would satisfy you.

Why eat a box of cheap tacos when you could afford a steak.

Hold out for the good stuff. Not only will you be satisfied, but eating good stuff means you eat less because a little makes you happy.

Have standards with your food, and you can feast your whole life, and die happy.

Please boost!

Any Deaf/HoH folks with chronic pain in their hands around for some advice

I am about to start properly learning ASL but my dominant hand is kinda borked having some weird pain/muscle/crampy issues, possibly just testoterone making all the existing overly tense muscle stuff worse but who knows.

Now Im wondering: does it make sense to start learning with my non-dominant hand right away rather than risking having too much strain on my right hand and then having to switch to my left later Has anyone had to switch their dominant hand for signing later on Is it much of a brainfuck to mirror everything youve already learned

I have tried following a number of accounts only to be told that my request is awaiting approval. Some of these accounts have been like that for a number of weeks, to the best of my knowledge the accounts are not private. What would you advise doing in such a situation

The LOV Co. Podcast

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Get Advice About Being Single Dr Bella DePaulo


Stop Stalling And Start Your Dream Side Business In 2024 :gnome: :jeb: :janiawoo: :gargamel: :calculator: :badabing: :pensivepartyblob: :psyduck: :redcandle: :roundboi: :polarbear: :owi:

A little advice Especially folks who work at a bank
Out on my walk I found a check in the grass. Filled out for a decent amount, not endorsed on the back. It was from out of state, so I couldn't return it directly to a house in the neighborhood.
A branch of the bank on the check was near my walk though, so I took it to that branch and gave it to a teller.
I couldn't think of any other solution that wouldn't be weird or creepy.
Is there some other way to handle that Should I have mailed it to the person who wrote the check

The Healthy Heads Project

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

Of possible interest to some folks.

>Simple Witchery: Dont Be That Witch by Willow Rose.

Free of the day don't walk away from the furnace when heating milk. It will overflow, creating a mess. Second free advice of the day don't grab the metal part of your furnace when it happens. Especially if you're diabetic and don't immediately feel the pain that causes.

Don't be a stupid piggy like me.

Man suspects marriage is finished over Christmas presents

After 12 years of marriage Harry and Kasha Carey had settled into a comfortable routine, at least that was what Harry thought. They had a tradition about the presents that they would buy each other. Some of them were ironic. This year Kasha seemed to have forgotten, or couldn't be bothered to remember. Excruciata Reees-Mog offers advice. Ouch!

Other Psychics

Insane Advice