How not to live your life
Are you Mad?

When should seasonal be consumed

From 20 Sep: Being the right person for someone in a isnt who you are, its how you are. -

's about maintaining projects: We really care about building great , and it can be hard to share what were working on.

His : get it out there! Heres my work-in-progress, its not perfect, thoughts


Hey artists, is someone DMing you about a commission Look out for common signs of a scam!

Are they offering way above your normal prices Are they asking for work/styles you don't normally do Offering to pay by check Sending screenshots as proof of payment Those are s!

The creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, shares some valuable life .
"Yeah it's hard to give advice. At least as hard as to take advice."
As at teacher I aspire to teach my students to be . How hard could that be

Has your parcel gone missing

If the parcel wasn't delivered to the location you agreed, it's the seller's legal responsibility to sort out the issue.

Check what steps you can take


Benefits of Garlic

A quotation from Bible, vol. 1, Old Testament:

Finally, stick to the advice your own heart gives you, no one can be truer to you than that since a mans soul often forewarns him better than seven watchmen perched on a watchtower.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

Beyond the Dice: Epic Campaigns Redux


Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

Hi, All. Day 18 of is up now, with links to previous days if you missed them. Short post this time, switched to a different book since I got to the end of the other book yesterday (they're short).

Imagine being trapped in a cycle of spiralling debt.
Everywhere you turn, theres another barrier stopping you from getting some control over your finances.
This is Jasons story


Ive worked from home for the last eleven years. For the last nine years, Ive lived near the middle of a market town in the north east of England. You wouldnt believe the amount of noise.
As respondents in this Hacker News thread comment, you kind of get used to it, and also work around particularly loud noise. However, the

Katzenworld: The Health Benefits of Co-sleeping with Your Pet: Bonding, Mental Health, Immunity, and Heart Health &Tips


Get Creative As A Cam Girl To Make More Money

Amplifying Your Performance: Essential Editing Software for Beginner Cam Girls

Maximizing Success as a Beginner Cam Girl: Mastering Upselling Techniques on Adult Sites

People of the Fediverse who have !! I need some inspiration!

Since I have a lot of stickers here and no idea where to put them, I'd love to hear from you. Where do you put them

I know laptops are typical, but I like the cleanliness of my laptop D::

Katzenworld: Preparing Pets for a House Move: Tips for a Smooth Transition &Tips

Katzenworld: Autumn Pet Safety: Avoid These Poisonous Plants to Keep Your Pet Safe # &Tips

Words of wisdom from my Grandpa, one of the really good people who I've been lucky to know, miss him a lot. I was 15 at the time and was helping him do some yard work. I complained about needing a break when he taught me this.

Handling being tired when you're:
15 - You don't know what tired is
25 - If you get tired you power through
35 - Take a break and go back at it
45 - Take a lot of breaks
55 - Once you get tired you're done
65 - You're always tired
75 - Happy to be around so you can be tired

Grandpa was a smart cookie.

Stop waiting for Friday.
For summer,
for someone to fall in love with you,
for life to happen.

Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you're in now.

It's time for Stanley's Saturday Support!

This week, I'm working on helping my human to recognise when her initial response to a situation might be an over-reaction...

Don't forget - you can join my online family, read my blog and buy my merch here:

And have a great day!

Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

Do not take advice from random people online.

Choose to change before you're forced to change.

Katzenworld: 6 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for Allergic Owners &Tips

Live someplace where hurricanes are a regular occurrence Give Bostonians !

rarely gets hurricanes for example, the last time was under hurricane watch was 2008.

So for those of you who live in places where hurricanes arrive more frequently, what advice do you have for us

Katzenworld: Understanding and Remedying Whisker Fatigue in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions &Tips

for people justt wanting to view content.
also there's a little bit of Peertube vs YouTube in there.

The good news for just is that just like you won't necessarily have to join *any* particular server for Peertube just to view a video.

but here's how to really supercharge your Peertube video viewing experience.

1. use to search for videos from a bunch of different peertube servers works almost like how you do on . This has a 2010-2014 feel of Youtube search. it's amazing and it's affordable since the Sepiasearch owners don't have to host the videos just the and etc. More affordable then and etc for hosting, due to its fediverse nature. Despite that this search will direct you to atleast 80% of all Peertube hosted videos, if not all of the servers out there.

2. if you are on use app to subscribe to all these Peertube channels in a single feed with no ads for free and legally. Although by defualt Peertube already does not show ads, as continues to double down on shoving ads down peoples throats. Not really much of a solution for Peertube elsewhere quite like newpipe.

3. Or just subscribe to peertube channels from mastodon. It's after all. Within the . Done in

rest of this is just me rambling, but it is useful info to consume about Peertube.

Honestly, at first the switch wasn't so easy because I didn't think Peertube really had much to offer, untill I just kept exploring sepia search and finding more interesting channels to subscribe to.

Even tho I been only posting about one the past last night and this morning (est time) I have more then 6 other animating channels strictly from Peertube I can post about. So there isn't a shortage of content.

Police said the man longed for a son as he had two girls and consulted the tantrik in 2012, who advised him to &quotrape his own daughters&quot

Katzenworld: Pawsitively Purr-fect: Dog and Cat Birthdays Outshine Baby Showers and Gender Reveals! # &Tips


9 9 Benefits of Gram Flour

I don't want to grab a coffee with you and network, or date, thanks.

I also didn't ask for your input.

But if you want to pay for Ko-Fi, or support on Patreon, it allows me to make some of the classes and resources available to others.

I offer consults if you're having a safety/privacy issue.

If you're looking for a humiliation session, that's not this account.

We finished a large 2.8m long only to find the client couldn't get it up the stairs.

We've still got it in our shop.

There's a lesson there I think. Make sure before you order a frame, you can get it into your home.

I'm a very passionate person. I don't do many things lightly. The first girl I had sex with, I fell in love with, and soon married.

Well, I had my private room in the middle of the college campus.
She visited for Thanksgiving, from out of state. We locked ourselves in with a huge, square, deep dish,tomato pizza. We made love for 3 days and nights straight, stopping only to eat pizza, use the bathroom, and fall asleep in each other's arms. It dawns on me now how we must have set the whole campus afire with our passionate coitus. My poor sweetheart! I deflowered her so hard, she was a little embarrassed to be seen in public for a while.

We were both lonely, chubby, bright youngsters and so this was a total feast of love and naked meaty, sex with a horny, sensual partner just as dirty minded, just as romantic, as oneself. We gorged on each other!

On the 4th day, she put on her make up, jewellery, and her best black dress. I put on my dark pinstriped suit, and cologne. We went to a showing of "Miss Saigon" on Broadway. The show was moving, and featured a live helicopter on stage, which was pretty innovative back then.

After the show, we ate Pad Thai noodles at a Thai restaurant.
Then we strolled in the light drizzle of a brightly lit Manhattan night. I knelt in the rain, in the middle of a wet street and proposed to her. She accepted.

We had the hottest sex life for a long time. Marital bliss despite material poverty. Man, wife, and dog. Happy!

Sadly, it fell apart, despite all the love and all the best intentions.

Now, I go very far with my passion. Also, I'm super horny and oversexed.

Though I've tried casual sex, it doesn't seem to satisfy me.

So here I am, in a long dry spell.
Need to get laid, because my energy balance is totally off and I'm toxic. I need to find balance and sexual healing so I can function at a higher level and be more in tune, spiritually.

But a casual one night stand will not do for me. I would wanna shack up with some beautiful woman, and bone her day and night for a week. And afterwards, I'll probably fall madly in love with her and want to propose marriage.

And that's just what I don't want to confuse Miss Right Now with Miss Right. Crazy, right

I am stuck, and would love some sound advice.

Ricki You're a wise woman.
Any help

Telescopes Is Crap