6.2 spoilers //
and regarding zero; i think beth would be a very positive influence for her too bc beth is very open, adventurous and accepting. zero would be able to explore new feelings and experiences in great quantity and be able to feel taken care of while doing so :) says STALWARTSWORD_ from in a bad mood rn (unemployed).
@geneticlones Hot take but saying that someone like Beth is "weak" isn't great. She literally had bipolar disorder and had a drug addiction.
I'm not saying her final actions are "strong" either.
Humans like to rate something as strong or weak when the reality is more complicated than that. says AnikseOfficial from she/her/арматурой.
I suppose I should get up and go to the doctor's because Past Beth is a cow that got an appointment for 8.50am. Ugh Past Beth is the worst. says anguaji from Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Her torso and arms becoming fluffy and filled with cotton. Her transformation to kitty plush nearly complete.
"Doll is doll!"
"Doll is doll!" Her legs and feet follow suit with the rest of her body. Beth is now a perfect copy of the stuffed cat.
Alexis titters, says angeldollribbon.
@Yellowstone Beth is one of the best female characters ever written and brought to life by the perfect actress. says HWJ21847.
@2belladonna @BubblesStw Tell me about it! I guess Aunt Donna was too busy with the Forrester dinner to watch Beth, so Hope found some rando homeless person to have Beth over for a sleep over. They are probably sleeping under a bridge somewhere and Beth is thinking she is in a spacious mansion. 🤣🤣🤣 says KNovak66643304 from Houston, TX.
@RepBethVanDuyne Beth is fine with shoveling billions of dollars of corporate welfare to big companies and making massive trillion dollar tax cuts for billionaires, but he bristles at modest relief for the middle class.
Remember in November. says usaf__vet from Spartan Nation, USA.
And it seems that some of his criticism of Beth is one of association.
So it seemed to me (and I sure could be wrong), that he didn't want to say he loves Beth lest he have to backpedal, soften his tone, or be seen as being in some way associated with Beth Moore. says JoelDBecker.