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Lee Russell Whittaker.

Searched current tweets for Lee Russell Whittaker.

@glennbeck @StuDoesAmerica Mitt Romney and the Utah GOP are running a guy name “McMuffin” to primary Mike Lee? Is there a “McGriddle” in this caucus as well? Do any of them go by “Big Mac?” You can always count on the Utah GOP to find RINO McNuggets to make messes for Utah. 😂😝 says justrodtx.
a decent job I'll let you do Mia and Ty Lee as well. Who knows maybe they will let you do more with them than just rub lotion on them. I know Ty Lee is eager for a bit of fun. Now stop staring like some turtle duck and get to work already." says RunusB from Wild lands of Canada .
@PekalaLaw @EWoodhouse7 Lee is Utah. And a Republican (whatever that means). says ProtesterLone.

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